Fudo Myo-O


Fudo is a Japanese term often used in Buddhism, especially in Zen and Esoteric Buddhism to represent a mental state -- one of immovability, not physically or literally, but in mind, one that is not captured, or moved, or dwells, or loiters on a thought or in a focus - a total unobstructed awareness and focus on everything, thus not moving with, or fixed upon something (limited by a focused attention)*

The Fudo Myo-O personifies the ultimate state of Fudo, or the ultimate calm state.
He is one of the central deities in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism usually portrayed holding a sword, also known as Kurikara in his right hand and a coiled rope in his left hand. With this sword of wisdom, he cuts through deluded and ignorant minds and with the rope he binds those who are ruled by their violent passions and emotions.
Also known as The immovable Wisdom King , you can see statues or drawings of Fudo Myo in many dojos in Japan and around the world, as martial artist aim to achieve his state of calmness and across history it has inspired many famous warriors and martial artist. We based our The immovable spirit t-shirt on the amazing figure of this powerful figure.

” the famous Zen priest Takuan in his famous three part treatise titled "Fudochi Shinmyoroku" ("The Mysterious Records of Immovable Wisdom") identifies Fudo-Myo-o attributes as they apply to Japanese (Samurai) swordsmanship. He notes the Fudo Myo-o's grasp of the sword in his right hand, his body standing firmly with mind immovable (detached and not distracted), looking at something but not stopping the mind during a flow of action or combat. He warned the Samurai against stopping the mind on a particular object, emotion or thought, noting that such stopping clutters (stops) the mind, something that curtailed the performance of technique.”*

*Christopher Caile

carlos sosa